The Hague is a major city in the Netherlands. It was founded as a hunting lodge in the 13th century by the Counts of Holland, and grew in size as a palace was built there. By the eighteenth century, it had become one of the largest cities in the Netherlands.
During the Rocky Mountain War between the United States of Mexico and the Confederation of North America, President Hector Niles and Governor-General William Johnson agreed to hold peace negotiations in the city. In June, Senator Frank Rinehart of Arizona met with Minister of War John Wolff of Indiana, and the two agreed to reconstitute the arbitration panel which had been attempted eight years before. The two negotiators also agreed to an armistice between the two countries, beginning on 1 August 1853.
The arbitration panel met in The Hague in November, and over the course of the next nineteen months drafted a report which was issued on 15 June 1855. Both nations accepted the report's findings, and it was used as the basis for the Hague Treaty of 7 August 1855, which brought the war to a formal conclusion.