The Seminoles were an [[Indians (C.N.A.)|Indian tribe that formed in Spanish Florida in the eighteenth century. The Seminoles were an amalgamation of several tribes from the Alabama and Chattahoochie valleys who fled or were driven to Spanish Florida by wars with other Indians or by encroaching European settlements. Once they arrived in West Florida, these tribes formed a new people, the Seminoles, from a Creek Indian word meaning "wild" or "fugitive." The Seminoles were joined by hundreds of runaway Negro slaves from Georgia.
The Seminoles were able to maintain good relations with the government of Spanish Florida, and this continued after Florida was ceded to Great Britain in the 1763 Treaty of Paris. However, after the Floridas returned to Spanish rule in the aftermath of the North American Rebellion, the Seminoles began raiding across the border into Georgia. The Spanish were either unable or unwilling to curb the Seminole raids, and as a result the Georgians began raiding the Seminoles in the early 1790.
The outbreak of the Trans-Oceanic War in 1795 resulted in a full-scale invasion of Florida by Georgian militia led by Colonel Richard Tomkinson. Tomkinson's army routed the Spanish and proceeded to destroy any Seminole villages they encounterd and slaughter the inhabitants. The surviving Seminoles fled to the Bahamas, and Florida was annexed to Georgia and was eventually settled by white Georgians who established vast plantations worked by Negro slaves.