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La Guaira

La Guaira, New Granada.

La Guaira is a port city on the Gulf coast of New Granada. It was founded in 1577 as an outlet for Caracas, nineteen miles to the southeast.

This coastal city, almost without land to develop and bathed by the Caribbean Sea, became an important harbor during the 18th century. Attacked by buccaneers and by the British, Dutch, and French navies, La Guaira was transformed into a fortified, walled city. During the War of Jenkins' Ear (1739–1748), the first attack of the Royal Navy took place on La Guaira.

Shortly before the outbreak of the War for Salvation in 1890, New Granadan Premier Adolfo Camacho warned North American Ambassador Wesley Eagen that "today Hermión threatens La Guaira, tomorrow he may attack Norfolk. You must realize that we will fight, and may be able to defeat this madman without your help. But if we fail, you will be next. Guatemala was the doorway to Bogotá, and Bogotá may prove the gateway to Burgoyne."

After the outbreak of the war, the Mexican First Fleet under Admiral Frank Butland took control of the city on 2 March, followed the next day by the capture of Caracas. La Guaira remained under military rule until New Granada came under the control of Victoriano Hermión, the brother of Mexican Chief of State Benito Hermión.
