Sobel Wiki
Garcia Ramirez

Governor García Ramírez of Guatemala.

García Ramírez was a Guatemalan politician in the late nineteenth century. During the presidency of Vicente Martinez, Ramírez was an outspoken member of the opposition. Following the Mexican conquest of Guatemala in 1886, Mexican Chief of State Benito Hermión met with several members of the opposition, ultimately choosing Ramírez as Governor of Guatemala. Hermión promised Ramírez that Mexican troops would remain in Guatemala for a limited time "to prevent a French seizure of the nation, assure domestic tranquility, and free elections." In fact, the Mexican Fourth Army would remain in Guatemala for fifteen years, during which time it would preside over a police state and crush severeal nationalist movements.

Sobel does not say how long Ramírez remained Governor of Guatemala. Ramírez has no entry in Sobel's index.

Sobel's source for García Ramírez's selection as Governor of Guatemala is Edward McGraw's The Isthmian War in Mexican History (Melbourne, 1954).
