This is a timeline of events in For All Nails in the year 1970.
Return to FAN chronology.
- A CNA guide to naval vessels describes the development, Global War use, and subsequent fate of the USM's submersible transport vessels.
- Excerpts from a reference book outline four episodes of the popular Australian vitavision series Space Saga.
- 22 February 1970 - In Barbados, Mexican spy Phil Jackson suspects that the CNA is starting a rocket program.
- 24 April 1970 - In Burlington, Bobby Contreras discusses computing machines and politics with Joan Kahn and Paul Markey.
- 20 June 1970 - Newly-defected physicist Carlos Sparling of Kramer Associates meets his new assistant in Nova Scotia.
- 17 July 1970 - Rioters in Paris attack the German embassy.
- 19 July 1970 - Rioting spreads to Nancy in Lorraine.
- 21 July 1970 - The German Cabinet discusses the recent unrest. Chancellor Markstein orders Ambassador Gellmann to preserve order in France.
- 22 July 1970 - Ambassador Gellman approaches Yvette Fanchon about forming a new French government.
- August 1970 - Various magazine articles illustrate the development of sex, drugs, and devil music in the USM.
- 27 October 1970 - We meet cadets Alexandra Stapleton and Evangeline Gilmore at the Royal CNA Air Force Academy.
- 6 November 1970 - Mark Stapleton attends a dinner at the RCNAAF Academy with tragic consequences.
- 6 December 1970 - Commandant Earl St. Laurent writes to Abramowicz about the role of women in his RCNAAF Academy and in the planned space program.
Proceed to 1971.